Saturday, April 2, 2011

LESLEY B. GERONIMO: Former Associate TV Producer

PMRB’s 2011 Candidate to the Search for  Most Popular Lady Realtor is Lesley Geronimo—a  graduate of Ateneo de Manila,  who  was once the Associate TV Producer for   “Money Talk,” a program  by Anthony Pangilinan.

Lesley shifted to real estate in 2006  and joined PMRB in 2009 where she is now the Committee Chairperson for  Corporate Social Responsibility.   Among her current CSR projects is the Blood Letting Activity with the Philippine Red Cross at Metroclub Makati on April 9.

Outside of work, Lesley enjoys traveling and dancing. As an avid salsa dancer, she even goes abroad to join International Salsa Festivals. 
Lesley’s  engaging  nature  helps her relate very well with children.  Since 2010, she has been organizing quarterly activities for  orphans, street children and those  suffering from  leukemia.

Read more about Lesley  here.

  • What is your educational background?  What were you considering as a career when you were in high school or in college?

Grade school and high school in St. Paul College, Pasig. Graduated AB Interdisciplinary Studies (Psychology and Communications) in Ateneo de Manila University.

I recall I wanted to be in Advertising or Marketing.

  • What  was your job prior to your shift to real estate?
My first job was as Treasury Officer handling preferred shares of the Company. After a few months, my associates and I discovered that the company was into some questionable transactions so I decided to take a break and go to the US. While waiting for my trip, I got convinced to join Convergys. At that time, the call center business was booming. The originally planned short stint became a year long. I became the manager that pioneered a new account for the Company and was the 2nd person ever to be sent to the US to get trained to start the account here in the Philippines. After a year of night shift, I decided I wanted to go back to regular working hours. From being a manager, I shifted to being an Associate Producer of "Money Talk", a show about passive and active entrepreneurship with Anthony Pangilinan. Again after a year of doing this, I decided to take a break and go back to the US. And this was the start of my shift to real estate.

  • What were you reasons for shifting to real estate?
I've been traveling back and forth the US and the Philippines and wanted to have a flexible work schedule that can accommodate my love for travel. I met some developers who convinced me to consider getting into real estate and sell to the Filipinos in the US. Their proposal fit the lifestyle I wanted and so, I pursued it.

  • How did  you prepare for your shift?
Since I did not have any background on real estate and only minimal experience on sales, I made sure I underwent necessary training to equip me on this new endeavor. I only had a few months left before leaving for the US again so I familiarized myself with the industry as well as the properties that I planned on offering abroad.
  • What would you consider to be your major achievement or most memorable experience in  your real estate practice?
I would say my most memorable experience would be when I was just starting out in real estate. Like what I mentioned earlier, I went to the US without any sufficient experience or knowledge of real estate. But this did not stop me from doing my own roadshow by myself, representing several properties in the Philippines. I was staying in San Francisco at that time. I went to all the Filipino establishments in the area, introduced myself to the owners, and tried setting a presentation. I was younger then, didn't really know what I was doing or saying, but doing it anyway as confidently as I could. Looking back, I only made 1 sale that trip. But I was proud of it because I never even expected I'll close any deals that time. To be honest, if I was them, maybe I wouldn't have bought from me because it was apparent that it was my first time in real estate. Nonetheless, I was very happy. It was my very first sale in real estate, abroad, at a roadshow I did on my own. Not only did I make a sale, I also ended up gaining new friends. The owners of these Filipino establishments were the old Filipino families living in that area. I got invited to their Christmas parties, birthday parties, and weekly gatherings. It was truly a memorable experience. 

Contact details:; (02) 211 0252. Follow her on facebook.

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