Monday, October 25, 2010


Since I graduated from college in 1984, I have practically spent all my working years  as a marketer.  I started out as a Product Associate, moving up to various positions in brand management  for  prescription, over-the-counter (OTC)  and consumer products across several pharmaceutical  companies. While working my way up  on  the proverbial corporate ladder, I met and   married  Maita-- my wife for  more than 15 years now.  She  is a veteran of more than 10 years in the  real estate  business.   While pursuing our professions, we have been raising two  precocious  children.

Prior to our  putting up  a real estate company named Architerra Manila Properties as a division of  La Maisonette Manila Inc  in  2010,  I was  Marketing Director in  a multinational  pharmaceutical company. 

I am optimistic that  my stint in  pharmaceutical marketing  can serve as a valuable platform from which Maita  and I can draw learnings, and the much needed contacts, to grow our company.    

My posts will not all be about Maita and myself.  Through this blog,  I  intend to  provide  interesting write-ups on  current issues and concerns in the industry,  and on fellow real  estate brokers whom we have personally met and dealt with.

I know that there are many fellow real estate brokers  out there   who have had colorful careers prior to shifting to  real estate.   They too will be featured here,  for their stories to serve as  inspiring examples of successful cross-overs. 

Our accounts  of  our cross-overs can benefit not only those who are new  in  the  profession-- but  also our  our prospective  and current clients,   who   can have a gleam  of  our backgrounds.  We hope that our clients, both now and in the future,  will  find  in all of  us the qualities that they expect from real estate professionals. 

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