Wednesday, October 27, 2010

ST. JOSEPH: Patron Saint of Real Estate Brokers

Out of plain curiosity, I searched  the net for the patron saint of real estate brokers.  To my pleasant surprise, I was led to numerous sites  pointing to St. Joseph-- the head of the Holy Family and  the Guardian of  the Redeemer.

St. Joseph was a carpenter.  He  built a home for   Jesus and the Blessed Virgin Mary. 

Although he is not officially named by the Catholic Church as the patron  saint of real estate, a number of brokers consider him as their de facto patron saint.

I came upon a number of sites promoting prayers to St. Joseph for help in selling houses.  In fact, there is a practice among home sellers and brokers in the United States that involved the burying upside down of a wrapped  statue of St. Joseph in  the  garden or yard of a house marked for sale.

Being raised Catholic, I do not agree with the burying of the image of St. Joseph to facilitate a house sale. However, I am all for saying a prayer or a novena to  implore the aid of St. Joseph, and for displaying his statue in a place of honor, whether or not a  house is for sale.

Below is an example of a prayer  to St. Joseph (source: ).

In the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.  
Come to my aid, O God. O Lord, make haste to help me.
Almighty God, Father of mercies and giver of all good gifts, I come before you to honor you in your saints and ask their help in my many needs.
You promised those who ask, would receive, those who seek, would find, those who knock, would have doors opened to them. Hear the prayers of your church, grant my requests, and pardon my sins. Amen.

St. Joseph, just and true, with a father's care you raised the child Jesus, and with a husband's love, you shared your life with Mary, His mother.

I entrust myself to your care and place in your hands this request of mine (say request)….

In quiet Nazareth, long ago, the Holy Spirit spoke to your heart and you followed God's will with wonderful faith.

In the quiet of my days, and in the hard choices I must make, help me follow the Spirit's guidance and believe when I cannot see.

Here are  other links to prayers to  St. Joseph:

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